Buckland Tree Care Ltd’s consultancy service can assist you in the planning process, whether you’re seeking permission to extend your home close to a tree or to build a large development of properties.
It’s crucial to enlist the help of an arboriculturist from the outset, before an architect carries out any layout design.
Below is an explanation of the three phases of the planning process in accordance with BS 5837:2012 (Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations). But we’d be delighted to talk to you about your specific requirements. Call us on 01270 611626 or 07812 161173, or email info@tree-care.org.uk
Phase 1
The initial stage for trees within the development process is for an arboriculturist to carry out a survey of trees on the development site and trees adjacent to the site that may be affected by the development. The trees are then categorised as either worthy of retention or not.
A preliminary plan (Tree Constraints Plan or TCP) is then produced detailing any constraints on the development posed by the retention trees, such as root protection areas, shade cast, canopy spread etc.
The TCP represents Phase 1 of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA). It indicates an estimated development footprint for any given site and it may affect the value of land earmarked for development. The AIA Phase 1 is not intended to represent, in isolation, the supporting information for a planning application to obtain full and detailed planning permission, but is to inform the developer and aid the design process.
Phase 2
The second stage is for the architect to consider the tree constraints when putting together draft layout proposals. This draft is then referred to the arboriculturist for further impact assessment, before arriving at a ‘best fit’ scheme that achieves site viability while allowing for the retention of appropriate trees. This layout review represents Phase 2 of an AIA, and once agreed, the arboriculturist can prepare a supporting report to accompany the planning application. The AIA Phase 2 also involves the arboriculturist working as part of the development team to secure discharge of tree related planning conditions, including any relating to levels, services and drainage, as well as protective fencing.
Phase 3
All the effort put into the pre-application phases (1 and 2) to protect retention trees is likely to fail without effective site supervision. The AIA Phase 3 covers the on-site implementation of the project, which includes arranging tree removal/pruning approved by the planning service. It also includes the overseeing of the installation of tree protection fencing, ground protection and any special engineering works through to periodic reporting on the retention of protection measures. Many, if not all of the latter are usually specified as planning service planning conditions that need to be formally discharged.